Pelvic Health
ProFormance can help you move feel live better.
Faster Recovery & Lasting Results.
Experiencing leaking while working out, coughing, or sneezing? This may be common, but is NOT normal! Our therapists treat various pelvic diagnoses ranging from urinary and fecal incontinence, overactive bladder, pelvic pain, and pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic floor physical therapy involves identifying and treating the dysfunction in the pelvic floor muscles with a range of techniques including, but not limited to manual techniques, muscle strength or relaxation exercises, and education/re-training. These exercises may include areas of not only the pelvic floor but diaphragm, core, hip, and low back musculature which all connects to the pelvis. We also help with pregnancy and postpartum care including low back and pelvic pain, abdominal rehab, and returning to fitness.
You don’t have to be pre-natal/post-partum to find benefit from pelvic floor rehabilitation though. We work with patients assigned both male and female at birth. We understand these issues can be very personal, but we can assure you our therapists will perform a comprehensive exam to your comfort level and explain everything along the way. Contact us if you have further questions or think we may be able to help you with any issues you may be experiencing even if it is not mentioned above.